In Support of the Toronto Occult & Thelemic Community

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

Promoting local Toronto (& surrounding area) events related to Thelema and the Occult. Whenever available, I will also be posting links to videos of lectures, writings, and whatever else may become available.

Love is the law, love under will.


Tuesday 16 August 2011

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

Last night's Study Group was great fun! I'll post the Overview here tomorrow. Meantime, any suggestions for future topics are welcome and appreciated.

Love is the law, love under will.


Wednesday 3 August 2011

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

This blog has been started to give people in the Toronto area access to local Thelemic meetups, events and general activities.

Any Individual, Group, or Order is welcome to utilize this blog as a means of promoting events, meetups or anything else going on in the Thelemic and/or general Occult community of Toronto. Please contact me and I will be glad to help promote your events.

This being the case, it must be stated that the contents of this blog, as well as the subject matter of any advertised events, do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of any given group, organization or individual, including, but not limited to, myself.

The goal of this blog, as well as my other public efforts, is to provide an open forum for the free exchange of ideas on the subjects of Thelema, Magick and the Occult. I do not speak for or represent any Group, Order or Organization, nor do I restrict the content of these public events and fora to the views of any specific Group, Order or Organization.

Love is the law, love under will.